π¦ Fraud, Waste and Abuse Spotlight
NJ Office of the State Comptroller Issues Letter to Monmouth County Commissioners Addressing Lack of Transparency and Improper Procedure Regarding Salary Increases
In a letter posted to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) website on January 13, 2022 Acting State Comptroller Kevin D. Walsh addressed findings and recommendations to the Monmouth County Board of Commissioners regarding an OSC investigation into lack of transparency and improper procedure regarding pay raises for Commissioners and the Monmouth County Sheriff.
As a NJGOP stronghold for decades, the party dominates the Monmouth County Board of Commissioners. It should also be noted that Sheriff Shaun Golden is the current Chairman of the Monmouth County Republican Committee.
An excerpt from the Conclusion section of the OSC letter is included below. A public hearing addressing some aspects of the County's response to the investigation and recommendations is scheduled for January 27, 2022.
"Transparency as to the salaries of public officials is a critical safeguard against misuse of taxpayer funds.Β The statutes governing commissioner and county sheriff salary modifications promote transparency by requiring county boards to inform the public of the modifications through the adoption of resolutions.Β The statute governing modifications to the salaries of county commissioners requires even greater transparency by compelling the additional steps of public notice, a public hearing, and an opportunity to challenge.Β The County must follow these processes when modifying commissioner and sheriff salaries.β
You can read the full text of the OSC letter here.
If you suspect fraud, waste and abuse contact the NJ Office of the State Comptroller at comptrollertips@osc.nj.gov or call the Government Fraud and Mismanagement Hotline at 1-855-OSC-TIPS (1-855-672-8477.)
To view reports and find links to resources, including COVID-19 spending oversight and transparency projects visit the OSC website.