America, Your Indoctrination is Showing
Media perpetuates lies about Roe v. Wade to incite fear and mold public opinion
Know the Basics
The Supreme Court cannot create law, they can only interpret the Constitution - which is the Supreme law of the land. “The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.”
Under our federal system of government, the States have all legislative powers not expressly delegated to the United States government nor prohibited to them by our Constitution. States have long fought to preserve local law versus legislative rule by non-residents hundreds of miles away.
According to a clipping in January 1974 from Wilmington’s The Morning News, the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision involved inspecting the constitutionality of laws in Texas and Georgia that effectively prohibited abortions except upon medical advice.
The problem here was our Constitution never articulated the right to abortion. This is why the Court’s decision in this landmark case was controversial from the day it occurred - the Justices stepped away from their clearly defined role, to create law where none existed before. This has shaped the fierce debate on both sides ever since.
Laws governing abortion are codified by your State legislature. This means you control outcomes by directly interacting with your local officials. Your pen, not protest, is the most valuable tool in your arsenal.
No, the Supreme Court did not take away a constitutional right. The Court can’t take away something that was never enshrined in the document to begin with.
Abortion Fast Facts
The United States is one of approximately 10 countries in the world that allow an abortion after 20 weeks on any grounds.
Support for abortion in the United States decreases sharply after the first trimester. According to a 2018 Gallup poll which randomly sampled 1000+ Americans:
Six in 10 of those polled believe abortion should generally be legal in the first three months of pregnancy.
28% said abortions conducted in the second three months should be legal
Only 13% think abortions should be legal final three months.
New Jersey is one of 6 states that legalized abortion for any reason during all three trimesters.
Despite incomplete reporting especially from high-volume abortion states with large populations of minority women, black women have been experiencing abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of White women for more than 30 years.
Scientists claim aborted fetal tissue is crucial to their work. According to Scientific American aborted fetal tissue “…is collected at medical centers and clinics that perform abortions under a patchwork of laws and regulations governing consent, tissue collection and transfer.”
Scientific American graphic displaying NIH-funded fetal tissue research for fiscal year 2014
Ponder This
Politicians on both sides are scared to define what a women is but claim to care about women’s rights. In our opinion, people like this are repugnant characters who trade in political currency. They don’t dare upset the prevailing social narrative of our overlords.
They tell you black lives matter, but fail to mention the disparate outcomes for black lives in the womb.
They rebranded abortion and call it reproductive health. Do you see how words become weaponized to impact what you believe and how you act?
Would we have different views about abortion if we were presented all the data from non-partisan sources? The most extreme views on both sides drown out the majority of Americans who reside in the middle. This happens relentlessly with every topic so you think there are only two possible choices. This charade goes on purposely so you fight each other and solve nothing.
US corporations, the 4th unelected branch of government, will gladly pay for your abortion yet offer the worst maternal leave policies in the first world. Ignore any praise for these conglomerates by the media propagandists they own. What do corporations care about more - you or their bottom line? That’s an easy one. Good wage slaves don’t take time off to have babies.
Do the organized abortion protests/violence seem strangely reminiscent of the chaos in 2020? (Another consequential election year.) Remember what we told you about highly organized events and how they are often infiltrated to cause a pre-determined outcome.
Who organized and sponsored protests around the country? Do some research and find out whose payroll they may be on. You will find these protests are rarely grassroots. In a state where you can abort a child until birth, why did 3 organized protests pop-up here in New Jersey? The LGBTQ+ advocacy group Garden State Equality posted the image below which was screenshot and sent to us by a Reddit user.
Reposted on Reddit, distributed by Garden State Equality, LGBTQ+ advocacy group
America, institutions that profit off your ignorance only show you what they want you to see. Arming yourself with information and holding your State officials accountable is the only path through this.
It’s been said the pen is mightier than the sword and we agree. Pay no mind to the paid protestors and manufactured outrage. You have the power to define the laws in your State. Get to work.