An Emergent Silicon Curtain
How long has the world been subject to a barely perceptible, mind-bending morphological field tended by media giants?
The United States and much of the West has elevated the concept of a free press as an essential predicate to the establishment and maintenance of democratic processes undertaken for the purpose of various forms of self-governance. Over time, this function has been delegated to an organized media presence charged with sourcing and reporting important information in the homeland and abroad. This is why the reaction of many media entities to a recent Russian law concerning penalties for reporting which “distort[s] the purpose, role and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces“ is so striking. Global media giants have reported Russian officials as having instituted a law criminalizing journalism, however, they contend the purpose is targeted at reducing the spread of so-called “fake news” by punishing “anyone found guilty of knowingly disseminating false information and data about the use of Russia’s armed forces…” While much attention and condemnation has been directed at the so-called ‘Chinese firewall’ (an effort by leaders of the Chinese Communist Party to censor the internet content accessible to its citizens) it seems that Western media outlets are revealing that they may have an interest in acting as a similar instrument within society by constructing a sophisticated ’Silicon Curtain’ to buffer, shape and obfuscate real news.
Recent announcements by major media outlets regarding the suspension of news desk operations within Russia gives the appearance, superficially, of merely being an important safety measure aimed at protecting foreign correspondents. It's abhorrent to the Western ethos to think that someone could be jailed for doing their job reporting the news in a far away country. Critical thinking, however, within the context of this lockstep move by the media establishment, leads one to question the true purpose of any news reporting presented by these outlets. In a rapid and distinct manner - by placing an ugly reality regarding the intentions of media conglomerates within the grasp of observers - handlers of the West's talking heads have chosen to give the masses an opportunity to identify this construct, the Silicon Curtain.
Grassroots news gatherers, independent journalists, those who contemplate the mission, utility and impact of massive media machines on civil discourse, public policy and culture, individuals who buck the system from inside media outlets, and those who yearn for access to honest information should be excited by this peculiar move whereby global and multinational news outlets have revealed - by inference - that they are in the business of what could be characterized as selective representation of facts for purposes undisclosed to the public. In 2022, many are at a point where they’re awakening to the notion that so-called “mainstream” media is promoting an agenda that is no longer committed to the truth or betterment of society. This represents what may be an approach to the precipice leading to a leap forward in the way that free people choose to inform themselves, participate in decision making within society, and subsequently act to self-govern.
History and the lived experience of humanity has illuminated ways that societies can be impelled via cultivated, sensationalized or otherwise less than truthful representations of current and past events. Numerous examples have become apparent with respect to the near disappearance of media coverage about the coronavirus pandemic which captivated populations, economies and governments across the globe for two years. The long term impacts of media operatives acting in conjunction with responsible parties inside government and related bureaucracies to execute initiatives connected with COVID-19 will be studied for years to come. Observable effects upon those who continue to live in the reality construct imposed by the legacy media are undeniable. Furthermore, much of the fragmentation within modern society has likely been enhanced by the selection of news narratives presented to the public for effect by those who seek to control by sowing division.
Reclaim society by taking actionable steps to rise above the Silicon Curtain. In a future post We Are New Jersey will share thoughts, tips and strategies from fellow New Jerseyans about navigating the current media environment and taking part in building a real news culture. When you inform yourself and share it with someone else, meaningful change in ideas and attitudes can take place on a personal level…and it’s contagious. This is how regular people can become informed, help educate others, heal the wounds of society and create the future we want.