Danger Ahead: The Headline That Just Enraged You May Be Disinformation
NJ's newly-launched 'Disinformation Portal' is the latest weapon in the information war
Over a leisurely Sunday morning cup of coffee, we were reminded there’s no sleep for the wicked tasked with making us all look irrational and stupid.
While scrolling through headlines on social media, one of our contributors saw a post originating from a popular alternative news creator appearing to claim Governor Murphy had made the upcoming Primary election all vote by mail. This is a fiery topic in our State and this post was perfectly timed to seem plausible if you don’t think too much before getting angry and re-sharing.
To appear authentic, the post linked to a tweet of Governor Murphy’s which the average reader could assess as being legitimate. WRONG! So, what gave it away? The date of the NJ Primary was wrong - this post said July 7 and not June 7. That’s a subtlety most people wouldn’t catch, but the link once clicked was from 2020! Judging by the comments and reach of this post, however, it’s safe to say most people fell for the trap.
The “independent” media outlet responsible for sharing is either a tool of the enemy used to confuse and demoralize before the NJ Primary or the channel is run by a dummy - either option has the same outcome, YOU lose.
Dis- and misinformation have been the hot buzzwords for awhile so why is We Are New Jersey flagging this particular lie? Well, it just so happens the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) recently launched its own NJ Disinformation Portal in April 2022. Every time you share something you haven’t vetted and it proves to be false, you may now become an unwitting ally to the people trying to silence us for good.
Those in power want to continue their monopoly on the media, government, corporations and academia with crafted narratives masquerading as facts. These institutions have a vested interest in claiming information being peddled by “outsiders” (outsiders that now have more viewership than legacy media ) are increasing the risk of violent extremism and must be snuffed out entirely. Don’t believe me? Check out the alleged manifesto of the shooter in Buffalo, NY. We are winning the culture war so the politicians want their propaganda megaphones back before they lose big in November. You will watch your 4 approved channels and like it!
We Are New Jersey doesn’t claim to know why operatives are going hot right now with the intensity of 1000 suns, but it’s clear their tactics help propel the narrative that you can’t be trusted in the digital town square. If loose lips, sink ships - loose fingertips, may sink a whole country. Stay vigilant and think twice before sharing something you haven’t researched. It’s an information war out there and what we do next matters more than you know.