Op-Ed: Refuse to Participate in the Media's Religious War
In the latest sick game of pick a team, American media's nonstop violent footage and emotional stories about Hamas, Iran and Israel are just the next stage of a plan to incite rage and hate at home
Power structures seek to retain the status quo by mitigating threats. One of the greatest threats to those in power is a united population.
If you want to prevent people from uniting against illegitimate and corrupt leadership, keep them distracted and squabbling over battles that have nothing to do with the actual war being waged. Do this by controlling both sides and creating a non-stop stream of media propaganda that fuels hate and anger in the hearts of your citizens. Encourage violence by creating “astroturfed” protests funded by NGOs (non-governmental organizations)and nonprofits who parade paid mercenaries in front of cameras posing as the groups you have been groomed to fear/hate most. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
During COVID you were shown video and photos around the clock of at-capacity hospitals and macabre death counters until the fear they injected no longer produced the desired response. It was then the establishment pivoted to a war with Russia, the go-to bogeyman for generations depicted in countless American movies and news reports. These situations funneled away billions of taxpayer dollars making the rich richer and average people unaware and angry with each other. Yet even these psychological operations failed to produce the total indoctrination required for you to submit to the escalating globalist agenda.
Grooming the West for Religious War
The media has been slowly stoking the flames for a religious backlash since our society descended into near cartoonish levels of degeneracy. Even though the majority of Americans are moderate, we only see the most extreme views from both sides given air time. The purpose: radicalize the middle, nudging until they choose a side and develop more extremist views. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Many assert we are in the midst of a spiritual war. Perhaps you have started praying again or returning to your religion. You have undoubtedly been served stories about the FBI targeting Catholics or Muslims speaking out at school boards against progressive agendas or maybe you’ve seen social media posts about a rise in anti-semitic attacks. If you’re atheist, was your feed littered with stories of extremist Christians forcing you to accept their views through attempts to legislate morality? There’s an algorithm for everyone assuring maximal media bombardment with incendiary rhetoric.
What Now
America, we may have the worst media in the world. They trigger your emotions for clicks and keep you uneducated about the complex geo-political circumstances that fuel disputes for monetary gain. They create narratives about average people -conflating religious beliefs of the majority with extremist factions rather than unmasking the puppeteers who create and fund terrorist groups in nations around the world so they can advance their agenda while you believe you’re fighting evil. They will feed your fear with lies and then demonize you for acting on it. Refuse to participate in the warfare cloaked with “piety” they want to bring to our streets. Choosing pro-Palestine or pro-Israel allows you to dehumanize the people caught in the middle. Refuse to participate in the bloodlust against innocents.
After 9/11 we promised to never forget the lives lost. I encourage you to never forget what we learned. Corporate-controlled politicians and media will lead us into wars for profit based on lies. They have the blood of the world’s sons and daughters on their hands . Today, I implore you to say NO MORE.